Meeting Info

Topic: EcmaScript 6

Presenter: Daniel Beus

Date: Thursday, June 04, 2015

Time: 6:30:00 PM - "Birds of a Feather" starts at 6:30PM, the presentation starts at 7:00PM

Location: See Meeting Location in the upper right corner

JavaScript (based on the EcmaScript standard) has become a widely used and well structured language in recent years, and most development opportunities in today's market will likely involve writing some web code. As the language evolves, there are more and more techniques to learn in order to make writing readable and reusable code a reality.

EcmaScript 2015 (formerly EcmaScript 6) is the newest standard for writing code in JavaScript. It introduces things like a module loading syntax, proper classes with inheritance, and even lambdas. These new syntaxes and abilities bring the language more in line with more widely used languages and allow for much more concise and readable code.

About the presenter:

Meeting Location

Mindfire Technology

872 West Heritage Park Blvd Suite 200, Layton UT 84041

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